Losing your travel documents while on holiday can be a real nightmare.

Every year, British Consulates in the South of Europe have to deal with more than 6,000 cases of lost or stolen passports! But by taking some simple precautions, you can prevent your holiday from being ruined.

The following video by the Foreign & Commonwealth Office provides useful guidelines on how to prevent your passports and other travel documents from being stolen (or lost).

Steps to take if you lose your passport:

The following video will explain what travellers should do in case they lose their passport in Spain. Even though this video is specific to Spain, the recommended steps can generally be applied to any country. Here's a brief summary:

  1. Before going to the nearest British Consulates, you must first make out a police report.
  2. Make sure you have a passport size photo and enough money to pay for the travel documents
  3. Notify the British Embassy before coming in

You must also tell the UK-based passport office as soon as you realise your passport has been lost or stolen, as this will reduce the risk of anyone else using your passport of your identity. Click here to find out more.

Finally, if you have a policy with Columbus Direct, you may be covered for the cost of an emergency replacement passport and any reasonable travel and accommodation expenses over and above the payment you would normally have made during your trip had the loss not occurred.

Keep all extra receipts for the costs and refer to the full Policy Wording here for terms and conditions applicable.