Maybe you’re jetting off on a long-awaited babymoon, or you’re enjoying a beach break with the kids before the new arrival comes? Either way, a break with a bump is guaranteed to be a lot of fun.
Picture the scene, holidaymakers. You’ve just arrived at the airport, you’ve sailed through security, and all you want is to jet off. Then you spot the departure board; your flight’s delayed. Well, we’ve all been there – and you’ve got a terrific Plan B up your sleeve. When you buy Columbus Direct's holiday insurance for pregnancy, you’re entitled to FREE lounge access if your flight’s delayed.
That means a quiet place to put your feet up, take advantage of free WiFi, and sip on a cold soft drink. Of course, you’ll probably never need it. But just in case you and your bump need a bit of TLC, it’s there for you to escape from the crowds.
You should be feeling confident about your cover, so check out our frequently-asked questions here. If you can’t find the answer you need, you can always take a look at our travel FAQ section. Alternatively, give our friendly customer care team a call on 0800 0680 060.
Do I need to tell you about my pregnancy?
No, you don’t need to; you only need to tell us about illnesses or past injuries. However, you should check that your doctor or midwife is happy to let you go abroad before you fly.
Is there a cut-off point during pregnancy, where you won’t insure me?
We don’t have a cut-off point, but your airline might have one, so you should always check that they’re willing to let you fly.
Will you cover any additional items I may need, such as maternity holidaywear and extra vitamin supplements?
We’d recommend that you take all the maternity gear that you’re going to need with you, as this is something you’d have to take care of.
I need to eat more often. Will you pay for additional food and drinks costs?
This is one of the great benefits of pregnancy – being able to eat for two! We can’t cover the cost of extra food, so why not bring some snacks from home if you have a larger appetite?
Will you pay for an extra seat on the flight if I am too large for a single seat?
We’d recommend that you speak to your airline, as they may be able to help you with this.
If I feel unwell and I want to have a check up with a GP abroad, will you help pay for this?
Just to put your mind at rest, we can cover any costs linked to pregnancy complications.
If I have my baby abroad, will you fly over family and friends to see us after the birth?
That’s totally fine; provided your claim is valid, we will fly out one person to stay with you. We’ll also make sure that your flights home are booked and paid for.
What happens if my airline won’t let me board because I’m pregnant?
It’s worth bearing in mind that any airline has the right to refuse boarding to anyone who they believe could be at risk. We’d recommend calling them and letting them know how far along you are before you travel.
If you’re not allowed to board the flight, we would suggest that you speak to your airline about the next steps you can take.
I’m worried about travelling while pregnant so would prefer to cancel my trip - am I entitled to a refund?
We’d advise that you talk to your tour operator, and explain your reasons to them, as we would not be able to provide a refund.
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