By Vicky Anscombe on 11 February 2015
If you're going away this weekend, have a wonderful time - but don't forget to give this handy checklist a quick once-over before you leave.
The Foreign & Commonwealth Office has come up with some handy hints and tips for lovers jetting off for a romantic weekend - so here's how to ensure your break is memorable for all the right reasons.
- Avoid going weak at the knees at the airport - check if visas are needed and ensure your passports are valid before you leave.
- Check if vaccinations are required for your destination - love sickness can ruin your trip.
- Before you both take off, take out comprehensive travel insurance.
- Do your research. Know the local do’s and don’ts, especially around public displays of affection.
- Make your trip extra special by picking up some of the local lingo. Being able to say please, thank you and ask for directions is hugely helpful.
- If you’re packing a bottle of bubbly to celebrate, store it in the hold luggage for safety.
- You'll give the game away if your ring is wrapped up in your luggage and you are searched - make sure that there's nothing in your suitcase that could be construed as suspicious!
- Plan and call ahead to confirm bookings and transfers - queuing for a taxi is a real mood killer.
- If you’re heading to Europe, don't forget your European Health Insurance Card.
- If you are an LGBT couple, check that your destination is friendly to ensure a warm reception.
Finally, if you're planning a romantic surprise, liaise with hotel staff to find out if personal extras can be provided prior to arrival.
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