Purchasing insurance for your winter sports holiday and have a niggling question? This blog will outline some of the most asked questions across a few categories, and provide information on how to access more details.
You’ve got to always look after number one, so when purchasing travel insurance for your next trip, you may have a few questions to ask. There’s no such thing as a silly question, especially when it comes to your health and wellbeing, and there can be some grey areas within winter sports. Hopefully our ski insurance and winter sports FAQs cover a lot of your questions, but we’re still here if there’s something else you’re wondering.
Ski Equipment Cover
It’s not just yourself who needs to be looked after whilst on the slopes, your equipment can be very expensive, and can ruin your ski holiday if it gets lost, stolen or damaged. With Columbus Direct, we will cover your ski equipment (prices vary per policy level), and you’re able to include an excess waiver on your policy to maximise cover for your kit and belongings. However, don’t think about leaving your equipment unattended on the ski racks when you head off to grab some food or a drink – leaving them on their own is at your own risk.
More than just ski and snowboard insurance.
Our Winter Sports add-on will not only cover you for skiing and snowboarding, you’ll also be covered to participate in a whole multitude of other sports which require snow or ice to fulfil. With over 20 other activities to choose from, you’ll certainly have a broad choice if you’re willing to use your insurance to its full potential.
Some of these activities include (but aren’t limited to):
- Air Boarding
- Cross Country Skiing
- Kick Sledging
- Mono-Skiing
- Ski Skimming
- Sledging
- Snowmobiling
If you like to challenge yourself whilst out on the snow, you may fancy heading off the groomed slopes, and letting your ski ability run free off-piste. You’ll be pleased to know that our winter sports insurance will cover you for skiing and snowboarding both on and off-piste - provided you stay within the resort boundaries.
Skiing Injuries
We’re only human, and injuries do happen - from major to minor, we’ll look after you. Our Emergency Medical Assistance number is available 24 hours a day, and our team have access to your policy documentation, so will be able to provide you with information relative to your cover.
If you do happen to get injured on the slopes and require airlifting from the mountain, our winter sports travel insurance will provide cover for this. If your injury means an early end to your skiing, you may also be able to claim back the unused portion of your ski pass, ski equipment hire and ski school fees, but be sure to keep all your receipts and invoices as proof of payment.
A lot of injuries require some physiotherapy to help restore movement and full-function to the affected area. We will cover the cost of your required physio treatment following your injury once you’re back in the UK. Some of the most common injuries sustained during skiing include:
- Sprains
- Strains
- Fractures
- Breaks
- Head Injuries
It’s important that you do not solely rely on your EHIC card if travelling within EU countries. Although the card will allow UK residents to be treated, it won’t cover you if you need to be repatriated back to your country of residence. You may find in some countries, you will still need to pay a fee, despite producing your EHIC card. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office have therefore always advised that the card is not a replacement for travel insurance, and both the EHIC and travel insurance should be carried when on your holiday.
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